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"Sheen Watan" plantation campaign attended by Minister for Environment, KP


Govt. High School, No. 1, Peshawar
REDA in alliance with CAUSE, The Edifiers, IMSciences, Islamia College University, Ministry of Education, Ministry for Environment and Forest Dept. KP, organized a plantation campaign at Govt. High School No. 1, Hashtnagar, Peshawar on 27th March 2012. Minister for Environment, Mr. Wajid Ali Khan attended the campaign. A warm welcome was given by the Scouts and one of the students presented a bouquet to the chief guest. 
Sheen Watan campaign 
Honourable guests
Briefing about Sheen Watan
Mr. Wajid Ali Khan, Minister for Environment, KP
A brief about the progress of Sheen Watan plantation campaign 2012-16 was presented to the audience. During the first session of Sheen Watan plantation campaign 8400 saplings are planted in different schools, colleges, public places and residential areas of Hayatabad, Badabera and Chamkani in Peshawar district and in Jamrud and Mullagori, Khyber Agency, FATA. Fruit bearing plants were distributed among poor families of Chamkani. All these saplings were provided free of cost at the door steps of the beneficiaries.
The Principal of the school, Mr. Jamil ur Rehman, thanked the minister for his presence and support. He also appreciated the efforts of REDA and partnering organizations for the noble cause.
Principal, Govt. High School No. 1
The minister then planted a sapling in the premises of the school. 200 more saplings were planted by students, teachers and staff of the school. 
Mr. Wajid Ali Khan, planting a sapling in school premises
REDA also explained their plan of establishing local nurseries in all districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. These nurseries will be used to propagate and grow fruit bearing plants. These nurseries will act as distribution points for the district which will help in better coverage along with price reduction and quality improvement of the saplings for the campaign. The idea was appreciated by the Mr. Wajid Ali Khan, who then instructed Forest Dept. to provide support and assistance in this regard which was reassured by Chief Conservator and Conservator of Forest Dept, KP.
Minister for Environment with CCF, CF and other staff members
Mr. Wajid Ali Khan with Forest Dept. Staff
Mr. Wajid Ali Khan with members of REDA, CAUSE, The Edifiers and volunteers of Sheen Watan 

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