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Sheen Khyber Pukhtunkhwa - Plantation campaign 2012 in Peshawar by REDA


REDA launched the plantation campaign "Sheen Khyber Pukhtunkhwa" on 28th February by planting saplings in different schools of Hayatabad. These selected schools included Govt. Girls High School, Govt. Girls Primary School and Jica School, Phase 1, Hayatabad. Each school was given 100 saplings. The campaign was started by the Principals by planting a tree in their schools. REDA in partnership with The Edifiers, CAUSE, IMSciences and Islamia College University is volunteering in the campaign with the support of Ministry for Environment, Ministry of Education and Forest Department, KPK.

Principal and Vice Principal Govt. Girls High School, Phase 1, Hayatabad with CEO of The Edifiers. 
Principal, Govt. Girls Primary School, Phase 1, Hayatabad
Principal, Jica School, Phase 1, Hayatabad.
Principal, Govt. Girls High School, Phase 1, Hayatabad planting a tree. 
Principal, Jica School, Phase 1, Hayatabad planting a tree.
Vice Principal, Govt Girls High School, Phase 1, Hayatabad planting a tree. 
Principal, Govt. Girls Primary School, Phase 1, Hayatabad planting tree. 

2 Responses so far.

  1. Mohsin Ali says:

    Great effort. well done.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Thank you Mohsin Ali. We will be running the campaign again in Feb 2013. If you are interested, do contact us and we could use your help to plant more saplings in the coming season. Thanks again.

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